CSR Initiatives

We conduct business to provide social, environmental and economic benefits for the communities"

Yashaswinii Builder has built an identity for itself with the contributions it has made to conscientiously give back to the community. We are aware of all the known and unknown challenges we have to face in our working atmosphere, community and the world. To say in simple terms, we believe that we do carry on with holistic corporate social responsibility.

Our pledge will be to implement:

  • Long term strategies like employing zero waste stream process
  • Apply procedures that significantly reduce use of water
  • Ensure to reduce carbon output
  • Continue to expand our efforts in philanthropy
  • Expand the breadth of ethical business practices
  • Ensure to have the best and safe working environment

We do envision a secured future for Yashaswinii Builder, following are the focus areas:


Yashaswinii Builder is financially sound, prudent and ethical in all its business practices. For our long term sustainability and to ensure strong economic standing, we focus on the following:

  • Look at all entrepreneurial opportunities
  • Maintain focus is on being customer-centric
  • Adapt to the changes and work hard


We have it as our the challenge to do more for as it is all about people. We shall be more effective to help and encourage others to do the same - both as a company and as individuals.We shall ensure that every member of our workforce use the necessary safety gadgets. We are concerned about the safety and well being of every member of our workforce.


People in the construction industry generally are less sensitive to environment. Yashaswinii Builder is an exception so to say doing things differently helping our customers to experience reduced negative environmental impact. We follow methods of practice that has helped us promote greater environment.

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